Thursday 14 August 2014

It's All Good - Part 2: Roadblock

The start to my Novitiate have had a slight change of plans…
My Visa did not arrive, but I still flew out today in hopes I would be allowed to enter as a visitor. That did not happen which meant I got deported from the USA after arriving in Minneapolis.(The kicker is my Brother Mathieu from Quebec was allowed to enter.) 
I was forced (if you will) to fly back to Regina and will now fly to Calgary and meet up with the Western Canadian Friars (my community).

We begin our annual retreat on Monday. I will be received into the Novitiate by our Provincial then and will remain with my community somewhere in Alberta (Cochrane or Edmonton) until my Visa comes through and I can enter the USA again.

It’s all good, well besides the fact that I now have a record with US Immigration.
The Immigration Officer was actually very good and funny, they even tried to make it happen.
My advice… always have the paperwork done or know all details.

It’s all good, my boxes I shipped arrived today at the Novitiate House and I still get to begin my Novitiate Year and will eventually join my brothers at the Novitiate House!

I’m still smiling and still excited!

Still need prayers!

It’s still all good!

St. Francis… St. Clare… St. Christopher… St. Michael…. pray for me!
This may be the final post now for the year.. I guess we will see!

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