Sunday 4 October 2015

Celebrating the Feast of St. Francis 2015

October Third and Fourth are special days
we celebrate St. Francis and his life ways.
The photos tell of our journey as we prepared and celebrated
together we rejoiced with all God created.
Fall is the air and all creation is in full splendor,

The chapel is ready for the big celebration,

Cleaning is done all tidy and neat,

We are ready for our friends and neighbours to meet,

Delicious treats prepared to share,
And of course we honor beloved St. Clare,

Music is practiced and we are ready to sing,

All creation joins in and let their voices ring,

We gathered together in prayer,
And with good friends we did share,

The blessings of St. Francis and the gift of this day,
This marks the end of Day 1 of the Feast but there is more on the way.

We awaken refreshed and begin with prayer,

We gathered with pets to bless them, which is not rare,
The table is made ready for Friars to gather round,

First to the Chapel for Mass we abound,
We then sat down to a delicious feast,
And my dear niece did not miss out, she created these treats,
(sure wish I could have had one!! Yummy!)

And so concludes another Feast Day,
blessings of peace and all good to guide your way.

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