Sunday 25 October 2015

What Do You Choose?

October 24 is the feast day for St. Anthony Mary Claret. He was born and lived in Spain from 1807-1870.
He was a priest, who preached missions and retreats, became Archbishop of Cuba, and was also the confessor of Queen Isabella II. He is the founder of a religious order of priests and brothers called the Claretians.  There are approximately 3,000 men in 63 countries. Their focus is social justice causes in the local communities.
I recently read this quote from St. Anthony:

Choose now what you would wish
to have chosen at life’s end.

This is a powerful reminder of the gift of choice God has freely given us. It reminded me to look at what I am choosing and how I live out my day. Each day I challenge myself to live like Christ, to radiate him into the world. Each night I reflect back on my day and find the ways and places that Christ was a part of my day, hopefully seeing a connection. This quote also really got me thinking about choices, the choices I make each day and if they are choices for life and embracing the gift of God in me.
As these thoughts have been dancing in and out of my mind amongst other thoughts connected to papers for class and responsibilities here I pondered what am I choosing now that will last.
I choose:
Faith in God
Trusting More
Worrying Less
Embracing Who I Am
Serving and Helping Others
Celebrating God’s Goodness
Taking Time for Solitude
Taking Time with Loved Ones
Learning More
Being Open, Life-Giving and Passionate

I guess when I consider what would or could be said about me at my funeral, I would hope these choices I try to make would be easily identified and would help tell my story.
Thank you Saint Anthony Claret for your wisdom.
Thank you for the reminder to live making good choices each day.
What do you choose today? What do you choose that will be celebrated at your life’s end?




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