Monday 12 October 2015

Giving Thanks

On this Thanksgiving Day, I share with you a beautiful Litany of Thanksgiving I discovered. It is written by Fr. Peter John Cameron, O.P. It is a wonderful reflection of life and all our blessings. As we give thanks to God for all that we have, let us be mindful that so many of our brothers and sisters do not have plenty and are hurting. What can we do to help them and allow them to be thankful as well?

Litany of Thanksgiving
    We thank you, O Lord.

This is a day to thank God for all his many blessings in our lives.
With gratitude we now pray in thanksgiving.

For the love of God, for faith, family and friends…
For joys, successes, achievements and accomplishments…
For health, safety, work and rest…
For struggles, sorrows and trials…
For our jobs, for those who support us, for education and
for chances to serve…
For gifts, talents, abilities, for honors, for strength and energy…
For our homes, for food, warmth, and shelter,
for all the things that make us happy…

For hobbies and pets, for happy memories, for our favorite things,
for leisure and relaxation…
For our nation, for freedom and peace, for those who lead by example…
For the ability to say ‘I’m sorry’, for the forgiveness of others,
for the generosity of others…

For good advice, for the trust others put in us, for tenderness,
understanding and compassion…

For kindness, goodness, joy, and laughter…
For all the wonders of creation, for beauty, music, sports and art…
For new opportunities and second chances…
For all the ways we have grown and become better people…
For renewed hope and fulfilled dreams, for the providence
and protection of heaven…

For the gift of life…

The Dawning of Thanksgiving Day 2015. Amazing!

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