Sunday 18 October 2015

Food, Music, Alone & Community: God in the Mix

Being a Franciscan means that I live in community. In fact community was one of the drawing cards that was a key part of my discernment. Over the past two and half years I have lived in 4 different communities. Living in that many different communities can be draining at times, but it does help you appreciate the life journey of others and the simple things that can bring one joy and enter into community life renewed and hopeful. Now that I have been in this community for about seven weeks I am feeling more settled and at home, but I am aware that it will stay take time to appreciate it all. I have heard stats that it takes 3-6 months to truly feel at home.

Feeling at home is key and as much as community life was a drawing card it is also challenging. Like any family there are times of give and take, there are frustrating moments, rewarding moments, moments that slip by and other moments that help you grow. There are also those moments that ground you, give you strength and encourage you. Sometimes those moments are when you are by yourself.

Yesterday was one of those moments and a moment that helped me realize again that is God at work in my life and also the gift of community.

At one point I was actually alone in our house. This is a very rare occurrence when you live in community. It was this being alone that set into motion the realization of God at work and the gift of community.

While I was alone I turned on the stereo that plays in the kitchen and dining room (a first time for me since I got here). I found a great music station and let the right kind of music loft to gently fill the rooms. As the music played I set the table for our community meal. I then decided to call my parents to just to say hello. There is just something about music playing and a dining room that makes me think of home. As I was on the phone my Friar Brothers began to return home from their various commitments. I really wasn’t alone for that long. They came in and out of the kitchen and no one said anything about the music or turned it off and then I was left alone again to do some food preparation for supper. I love cooking with good music on in the background. I think it makes the food taste better! As I was enjoying the music and preparing Brothers soon started to congregate in the kitchen, some to enjoy a drink and an appetizer, others to finish off meal preparations. We began discussing the day, news events and still the music lofted in the background. I continued to do food prep, we continued to talk and when the volume of the conversation grew I simply slipped out of the room and faded the music away.

It was in these moments that were both therapeutic and rewarding that I was reminded that I had asked God to remind that God is Emmanuel – ‘God With Us’. Indeed God did, with some alone time, music, conversation, and then community coming together again. There are always gifts (I need to remember these when community life is challenging). God is always present. I am grateful for the richness of these blessings and how they have filled me up to continue on the journey of the week ahead. Interesting how being alone can make you appreciate the gift of community and time with community can make one appreciate the gift of being alone. God indeed loves to share blessings. I am grateful.

I hope in your week ahead you can find the right mix of alone time and community (whatever that mix of people may be). I also hope you can find the right music to gently fill your rooms as you prepare a meal. I promise the food will taste even better! God is indeed in the mix!

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