Sunday 29 May 2016

Called to the Table

A new setting helps us to appreciate blessings in life! As I reflect back on the past 2 days I realize how a change of location and change of pace has helped me to appreciate the richness and blessings of being part of the Body of Christ.

The Sunday after Trinity Sunday in the Roman Catholic Church is the Feast of Corpus Christi (The Body of Christ). Yes, this feast is about Jesus in the Eucharist as the Bread of Life, his very Body and Blood given for us. This can lead to all types of great theological debates and arguments, it can also lead to great comfort, strength and insights.

For the past 2 days I was in Vancouver at a parish that the Friars have been responsible for a few years. Beginning in August we will have more of a community there as 2 more Friars join the Friar that currently serves at this parish. This opportunity to step out of my regular routine and studies was much appreciated.

I am grateful each day that I can receive the Eucharist. I may not always be aware of the blessing or even fully alert to the gift of receiving my Savior, but I do believe and know that Jesus is present regardless of how I come to the Table of the Lord.

It was while I was at Mass in Vancouver that the gift of being at table was again brought to my attention. Through the Liturgy and through the words of my Friar Brother he remind us that the tables we sit at with friends and neighbors are an extension of the Table of the Eucharist. When we sit and break bread with these people we sit and break bread with Christ. The challenge comes in not just sitting at the table with friends and neighbors but also inviting strangers, outcasts, those hurting, refugees, the lonely, sick, suffering, those different from us and so on to sit at our table and to bring them in prayer to the Table of the Lord. How else do we become the Body of Christ? We take in the very Bread of Life and yet forget that it calls us to transformation, and daily living to break bread together.

Enjoying a meal with my Friar Brothers Carlos, Michael and Regi.

Part of my time in Vancouver was taking part in the parish May Fair. A one day festival of food, booths, crafts, prayers, music and community. It was wonderful to mingle with people, hear stories, see excited children, patient moms and dads, and volunteers and stewards in action. It was wonderful to see the Body of Christ nourish each other by being community. Young and old, friend and neighbour, guest and stranger each offering their part to build community, to be communion for each other, to recognize Christ. It was indeed a blessing and gift, it was indeed the Body of Christ.

 With wonderful students from Corpus Christi College who are heading North on a Mission Trip.

Ariana had a booth at the May Fair she was selling cookies, lemonade, candy apples and candy - all money going to a school in Greece. Other children were selling bookmarks for refugees, crafts they made and the money going to the parish, and so on. Amazing stewards and witnesses of looking beyond themselves and being the Body of Christ.

At Mass we were challenged to recognize the people in our lives who nourish us and to also to be able to recognize the gift of being able to say to someone, “Thank you for being a part of the Body of Christ.” I am so grateful for the many who nourish me and my journey, for the many who show me Christ each day, for the many who build the Body of Christ and remind me that I am part of this great Body. To each of you that have impacted my journey in small or great ways thank you for being part of the Body of Christ and thank you for breaking bread with me and encouraging me to do the same.

Together may we come to the Table of the Lord, 
together may we strengthen the Body of Christ, 
together may learn to be One. 

Saturday 21 May 2016

Goodness, Love, Perfection: Trinity Sunday Questions

3 in 1
Father – Son – Holy Spirit

The more I study and read for classes the more I come to understand, appreciate and discover the amazing gift of the Trinity. The Trinity is all about relationship – perfect love, communication and unity. The Trinity is about perfect relationship which is something we all strive for and want, ultimately something that is a pure gift of God.

Perfect Love
Perfect Communication
Perfect Unity

The more I realize these gifts of the Trinity, the more I realize I need to work on them in my own life. Maybe perfect is a stumbling block for me. I will be the first to admit I consider myself a perfectionist and I also know the trials and tribulations this causes in my life. So I struggle to grasp how to immerse myself in the perfection that is God. Then maybe that is in the answer in itself. God is perfect and invites me to enter into God’s perfection by being who God created me to be and by continually striving to embrace the gift of relationship with God: Father, Son & Holy Spirit. I must realize that I am not perfect, nor will I ever me until I am embraced in the fullness of the Triune love of God.

In order to embrace the invitation and ultimately the gifts of my life I have to look at love, communication and unity in my own life. I have to be able to admit that these are areas that I am not perfect in and I need to continue to work on them.

How often do I put conditions on my love?
How often do I alter my communication to benefit me?
How often do I avoid unity by my actions and judgments?

Tough questions that indeed challenge me.

This Trinity Sunday is causing me to ponder my relationship with God, community (family, friends, brothers, society), creation and myself.

Do I strive for free/open/honest love, communication and unity in these relationships?
Do I put up walls, create confusion or don’t take risks to embrace relationships that are healthy, life-giving, nurturing?
Do I respect, appreciate and see my connection with creation?
Do I take care of myself so I can continue to offer Christ who dwells in me?

Lots of questions, I know! I guess that is what Trinity Sunday and Spring classes does to me!

The ultimate love fest of God which is the Trinity causes me to look at my sharing of love.
Is it free?
Is it genuine?
Is it rooted in Christ (not myself)?

The Trinity is always about the love connection between each other… how else do you create perfect love? The Love connection which is life, which is freedom, which is more than what I can express or understand is only perfect in God… not in our pets, kids, spouse, church, friends, cars, homes, celebrations or gifts, etc. … and for that I take a deep breath and say thank you God!

Trinity Sunday, much to ponder… a lot of questions… some letting go so I can be more open to the love fest of God that I am invited into and that surrounds me and strengthens me so I can do my part in my relationships.

So why not end with some finally thoughts to ponder… for you.. for me.. for everyone...

Which relationships do I need to work? What areas?
What is my image of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit?
Can I see how the Trinity is at work in my life? Providing, presence, perfecting? Creating?
Freedom in perfect love means what to me?

God is goodness… is love… is personal.

“The Trinity of goodness, reveals itself as a creative unity of persons “being in love”.” 
– Sr. Ilia Delio, O.S.F

May we continue to trust in God’s goodness and embrace it more,
May we remember that our God is madly in love with us,
And may we give thanks to God for the beautiful gift of relationship.

Many Blessings on your week!

Now back to the books for me…

Sunday 15 May 2016

Holiness & the Holy Spirit

Breathe into me, Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy.
Move in me, Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy.
Attract my heart, Holy Spirit, that I may love only what is holy.
Strengthen me, Holy Spirit, that I may defend all that is holy.
Protect me, Holy Spirit, that I may always be holy.

Each day in the moments before community prayer I pray this simple prayer (above). It is attributed to St. Augustine (354-430). It has been a part of my prayer routine for a long time now. I don’t remember where I was introduced or even how it came to my attention, however I do remember that there was a desire in me to include more prayer specific to the Holy Spirit. As I continue to pray this prayer each day I offer my life to the creative life of the Holy Spirit alive in me. I am opened to rely on God more, I discover God's deep love and mercy in my weakness and I am inspired to continue trust that God is at work even when I’m not sure how it is all working out.

This beautiful prayer reminds us that we are called to holiness now and forever. Holiness is a gift that is constantly in process. It constantly calls us to evaluate and revaluate our lives and choices. Holiness calls us to fullness, to forgiveness, to honesty, to trying again when broken down, to rising about the muck that can consume us, to celebrating our blessings, to giving thanks for goodness, to allowing God to love us, to keeping focused on Christ and to continuing to allow the Holy Spirit to breathe in and through us new life and our very life which is good and holy.

These five lines of St. Augustine’s seem to summarize my thoughts and deepest desires of my prayer life. When I ponder this prayer and what is at my heart when I pray it, it expands a bit more…

Breathe into me, Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy.
            And when they are not, transform them,
            And when they are not, help me to see what they are,
            And when they are not, breathe your thoughts into me.

Move in me, Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy.
            In the small tasks that fill my day and in the big ones too,
            In the jobs I don’t like to do and the challenges that lie ahead,
            In the being a builder of the kingdom that you are lead builder on.

Attract my heart, Holy Spirit, that I may love only what is holy.
            My heart is pulled in many directions, may it seek holiness,
            My heart is at times broken and hurting, I seek your healing,
            My heart is open and desires to rest in you, being nourished.

Strengthen me, Holy Spirit, that I may defend all that is holy.
            For times when I face trials and setbacks,
            For times when I struggle being created in your image,
            For times when I radiate you well declaring it is all about you.

Protect me, Holy Spirit, that I may always be holy.
            Each day in my rising, in my goings, in my resting,
            Each day in the work I do and growth I discover,
            Each day in seeking to embrace my call to holiness.

I find that after praying this prayer I can more willingly say: 
God, your will be done in my life today. 
This allows me to understand my call to holiness more and to continue 
to be open to the Holy Spirit at work in my life!

Come Holy Spirit Renew the Face of the Earth!

Over the past few days I have been listening to a beautiful piece of music. It is called ‘Holy Spirit’ sometimes referred to as ‘Holy Spirit You are Welcome Here’. It was written by Katie & Bryan Torwalt and originally performed and released by Francesca Battistelli in 2014. It is a beautiful and powerful piece of music. I encourage you to pray with it this week, simply sit with it and let it wash over you like the stream of God’s mercy.

I recommend the following recording. 
Just use our friend Google (or YouTube) searching for: Holy Spirit Carrollton.
This is a beautiful version of this song.

Saturday 7 May 2016

The Gift of Life

This four letter word has been swirling around in my thoughts and prayers this week.
I’m going to give Mother’s Day credit for that, since my life really begins with my Mom 
(and Dad’s) YES! Mother's Day and other days in the year remind me of this truth.
I’m so grateful for their YES, for them entering into the unknown and for choosing life.

Life is full of journeys, twists and turns, sorrows and joys.
Inside we grow and learn and from this we impact the world.
Fullness comes in appreciating and loving others and ourselves.
Examples guide us and encourage us on the journey of life.  

Holy God,
Your very life is planted in each one of us
and you call us to share that life with the world.
It is not always easy to do so,
in fact sometimes it is downright hard,
but still you say to us…
“You are full of life,
live and move and be in me
for I am with you always.”

Holy God,
Help us to be people of life,
Help us to appreciate the life that we are given,
And push us forward to help others embrace the gift of their lives.
Each day we are given the gift of life,
May with each breath we breathe you in and breathe you out,
Reminding ourselves and those around us that life is a gift.

Holy God,
We pray for families around the world,
We pray for those families that are broken and hurting,
We pray for those families that are separated and afraid.

We pray for those who work to build life-giving communities,
We pray for those who easily value the life of those around them,
We pray for those who struggle with the gift of life.

We pray for children in every land and nation,
We pray for parents, the elderly, the single, the widowed,
We pray for the strong, the weak, the lonely and the brave.

We pray for those desiring to be bring life into this world and cannot,
We pray for those who are hurting because they have had to bury a child,
We pray for those who struggle to support their family.

We pray for communities that are broken, devastated and struggling,
We pray for those are homeless, the hungry and the hurting,
We pray for those who don’t know the joy of family.

We pray for those who embrace the gift of family,
We pray for dads and moms everywhere who each day say YES!
We pray in gratitude for the gift of life..

This very day,
This very breath,
This very gift of You, of LIFE in us.


So... to my Mom and Dad – thank you! My life… wow! Here is to you… here is to the many decades of parenting… life hasn't always been perfect or pretty but from the bottom of my heart, my deepest gratitude for the gift of my life! Thank you! I Love You!

Happy Mother’s Day & Happy Father's Day! 

Sunday 1 May 2016

Small Miracles

As we continue in this Easter Season moving towards the great feast of Pentecost, small miracles is a phrase that has popped into my mind. Small miracles happen every day and sometimes they just pass us by, other times we seem to be more aware of them. I think too often we expect miracles to be big and grandiose when really we encounter God in the small miracles of life. Think about the miracles of Jesus for a minute. Water to wine, a touch, mud made to heal, a word, a prayer; all simple elements (things of the everyday) of life that helped people to encounter our loving God.

As I reflect back on the past few weeks and months (and as I look ahead) small miracles have indeed been playing a big part in my journey. These are just a few that come to mind…
The gift of learning and knowledge.
Time for prayer, quiet and reflection.
Warm welcomes.
Surprising loved ones.
Meals shared.
Reuniting with family and friends.
Being present for a special moment in the life of friend.
Listening to others share their story.
A short visit.
A long walk.
Transition in seasons.
Sharing our faith.
Creative energy and ideas.
The five senses.
The promise and joy of children.
Trusting even when darkness wants to steal the light.
Working at being the best version of myself.
Courage, Strength and Hope.
Continuing to be open so God can work in me.
To love and be loved.

Small miracles with huge blessings.
And today in the gospel we hear Jesus say:
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” (John 14)

That small miracle of peace is offered to us each day and begins with each one of us accepting this gift (and working at it) and is a reminder that Jesus is always with us (Emmanuel) and that fear has no place in our life. This indeed is a beautiful miracle only Christ can offer us.

St. Gerard Majella once said:
“Who except God can give you peace? Has the world ever been able to satisfy the heart?”

That is so true, as this week unfolds may we be aware of small miracles and may the peace of Christ continue to settle in each of us, so we may continue to shine his light brightly in the world and know more fully that only he can satisfy our deepest desires and our heart.