Sunday 1 May 2016

Small Miracles

As we continue in this Easter Season moving towards the great feast of Pentecost, small miracles is a phrase that has popped into my mind. Small miracles happen every day and sometimes they just pass us by, other times we seem to be more aware of them. I think too often we expect miracles to be big and grandiose when really we encounter God in the small miracles of life. Think about the miracles of Jesus for a minute. Water to wine, a touch, mud made to heal, a word, a prayer; all simple elements (things of the everyday) of life that helped people to encounter our loving God.

As I reflect back on the past few weeks and months (and as I look ahead) small miracles have indeed been playing a big part in my journey. These are just a few that come to mind…
The gift of learning and knowledge.
Time for prayer, quiet and reflection.
Warm welcomes.
Surprising loved ones.
Meals shared.
Reuniting with family and friends.
Being present for a special moment in the life of friend.
Listening to others share their story.
A short visit.
A long walk.
Transition in seasons.
Sharing our faith.
Creative energy and ideas.
The five senses.
The promise and joy of children.
Trusting even when darkness wants to steal the light.
Working at being the best version of myself.
Courage, Strength and Hope.
Continuing to be open so God can work in me.
To love and be loved.

Small miracles with huge blessings.
And today in the gospel we hear Jesus say:
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” (John 14)

That small miracle of peace is offered to us each day and begins with each one of us accepting this gift (and working at it) and is a reminder that Jesus is always with us (Emmanuel) and that fear has no place in our life. This indeed is a beautiful miracle only Christ can offer us.

St. Gerard Majella once said:
“Who except God can give you peace? Has the world ever been able to satisfy the heart?”

That is so true, as this week unfolds may we be aware of small miracles and may the peace of Christ continue to settle in each of us, so we may continue to shine his light brightly in the world and know more fully that only he can satisfy our deepest desires and our heart.

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