Sunday 29 May 2016

Called to the Table

A new setting helps us to appreciate blessings in life! As I reflect back on the past 2 days I realize how a change of location and change of pace has helped me to appreciate the richness and blessings of being part of the Body of Christ.

The Sunday after Trinity Sunday in the Roman Catholic Church is the Feast of Corpus Christi (The Body of Christ). Yes, this feast is about Jesus in the Eucharist as the Bread of Life, his very Body and Blood given for us. This can lead to all types of great theological debates and arguments, it can also lead to great comfort, strength and insights.

For the past 2 days I was in Vancouver at a parish that the Friars have been responsible for a few years. Beginning in August we will have more of a community there as 2 more Friars join the Friar that currently serves at this parish. This opportunity to step out of my regular routine and studies was much appreciated.

I am grateful each day that I can receive the Eucharist. I may not always be aware of the blessing or even fully alert to the gift of receiving my Savior, but I do believe and know that Jesus is present regardless of how I come to the Table of the Lord.

It was while I was at Mass in Vancouver that the gift of being at table was again brought to my attention. Through the Liturgy and through the words of my Friar Brother he remind us that the tables we sit at with friends and neighbors are an extension of the Table of the Eucharist. When we sit and break bread with these people we sit and break bread with Christ. The challenge comes in not just sitting at the table with friends and neighbors but also inviting strangers, outcasts, those hurting, refugees, the lonely, sick, suffering, those different from us and so on to sit at our table and to bring them in prayer to the Table of the Lord. How else do we become the Body of Christ? We take in the very Bread of Life and yet forget that it calls us to transformation, and daily living to break bread together.

Enjoying a meal with my Friar Brothers Carlos, Michael and Regi.

Part of my time in Vancouver was taking part in the parish May Fair. A one day festival of food, booths, crafts, prayers, music and community. It was wonderful to mingle with people, hear stories, see excited children, patient moms and dads, and volunteers and stewards in action. It was wonderful to see the Body of Christ nourish each other by being community. Young and old, friend and neighbour, guest and stranger each offering their part to build community, to be communion for each other, to recognize Christ. It was indeed a blessing and gift, it was indeed the Body of Christ.

 With wonderful students from Corpus Christi College who are heading North on a Mission Trip.

Ariana had a booth at the May Fair she was selling cookies, lemonade, candy apples and candy - all money going to a school in Greece. Other children were selling bookmarks for refugees, crafts they made and the money going to the parish, and so on. Amazing stewards and witnesses of looking beyond themselves and being the Body of Christ.

At Mass we were challenged to recognize the people in our lives who nourish us and to also to be able to recognize the gift of being able to say to someone, “Thank you for being a part of the Body of Christ.” I am so grateful for the many who nourish me and my journey, for the many who show me Christ each day, for the many who build the Body of Christ and remind me that I am part of this great Body. To each of you that have impacted my journey in small or great ways thank you for being part of the Body of Christ and thank you for breaking bread with me and encouraging me to do the same.

Together may we come to the Table of the Lord, 
together may we strengthen the Body of Christ, 
together may learn to be One. 

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