Saturday 7 May 2016

The Gift of Life

This four letter word has been swirling around in my thoughts and prayers this week.
I’m going to give Mother’s Day credit for that, since my life really begins with my Mom 
(and Dad’s) YES! Mother's Day and other days in the year remind me of this truth.
I’m so grateful for their YES, for them entering into the unknown and for choosing life.

Life is full of journeys, twists and turns, sorrows and joys.
Inside we grow and learn and from this we impact the world.
Fullness comes in appreciating and loving others and ourselves.
Examples guide us and encourage us on the journey of life.  

Holy God,
Your very life is planted in each one of us
and you call us to share that life with the world.
It is not always easy to do so,
in fact sometimes it is downright hard,
but still you say to us…
“You are full of life,
live and move and be in me
for I am with you always.”

Holy God,
Help us to be people of life,
Help us to appreciate the life that we are given,
And push us forward to help others embrace the gift of their lives.
Each day we are given the gift of life,
May with each breath we breathe you in and breathe you out,
Reminding ourselves and those around us that life is a gift.

Holy God,
We pray for families around the world,
We pray for those families that are broken and hurting,
We pray for those families that are separated and afraid.

We pray for those who work to build life-giving communities,
We pray for those who easily value the life of those around them,
We pray for those who struggle with the gift of life.

We pray for children in every land and nation,
We pray for parents, the elderly, the single, the widowed,
We pray for the strong, the weak, the lonely and the brave.

We pray for those desiring to be bring life into this world and cannot,
We pray for those who are hurting because they have had to bury a child,
We pray for those who struggle to support their family.

We pray for communities that are broken, devastated and struggling,
We pray for those are homeless, the hungry and the hurting,
We pray for those who don’t know the joy of family.

We pray for those who embrace the gift of family,
We pray for dads and moms everywhere who each day say YES!
We pray in gratitude for the gift of life..

This very day,
This very breath,
This very gift of You, of LIFE in us.


So... to my Mom and Dad – thank you! My life… wow! Here is to you… here is to the many decades of parenting… life hasn't always been perfect or pretty but from the bottom of my heart, my deepest gratitude for the gift of my life! Thank you! I Love You!

Happy Mother’s Day & Happy Father's Day! 

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