Saturday 25 March 2017

Transforming Love

The story of Jesus giving the blind man sight is indeed an encounter of transformation. Through the gift of God’s love Christ gives sight to the blind. As I read and heard this gospel story this weekend I was reminded of a reflection I wrote in my journal earlier this week. The blind man gaining sight struck me as a powerful sign of God’s transforming love and spoke to me of my encounter of that same love.

The kingdom of God is the fullness of love alive and equal among all people and creation. God’s love is always present, always available, always free, always grace-filled and always merciful.

In a conversation about prayer this week someone said to me “who you love and who loves you.” My first thought was God. I smiled and had this moment of peace, similar to when a surge runs through the heart upon hearing something it needs. This surge was more of a profound opening it was like a piece of my heart that needed to be awakened was and yet my heart already knows this truth. There is depth in this reality/truth.

Who I love is God.

My amazing God who gives me life and calls me to life and fills me with endless opportunities, skills, talents and blessings. Who has created all things, is present in creation and in the depths of my heart. Who is my hope, my constant, my strength and my all (and I discover this more and more).

God who is the creativity that runs through me, the actions that I use build his kingdom and my very breath.

God who guides my path, leads me in ways that are everlasting and fills my life with amazing people who help point the way.

God who inspires me with ways to live the gospel, to be present, build community, celebrate love, seek forgiveness, be light, grow, dream and be open.

God who loves me so much that He blessed me with his Son Jesus who is not only my savior, but also my brother and friend.

Jesus who knows my journey, walks with me always until the end of time and who willingly gave his all for me so I may know love, share love and be love (even when I forget how or struggle to share it/live it).

Jesus who shines his light into my darkness and calls me beyond it, who stirs in me -  life and breath and ways to live like him, for him and invite others to do the same.

Jesus who is my core, who is that light at my center which will never be extinguished. He who calls me to radiate (and is the reason why I do), he who is my all and awakens in me the desire to be an open vessel, a living icon, a living tabernacle.

Jesus, who is my way, my truth, my life and who gifted me with the Holy Spirit.

The Spirit who moves and lives and has his being in me. The Spirit who awakens me even more to God’s love. The Spirit who calls me at the depths of my being and soul and sends me forth armed with hope and love to be a witness.

The Spirit who works in ways both great and small. Who peels back the layers that I allow to be put on. The Spirit who calls me to openness, to be a vessel where God pours life in and I in turn am transformed and pour God into my world, not to be emptied but rather to be filled again and again.

The Spirit who is life, breath and freedom. Who in moments that I feel unequipped or empty reminds me that Christ is ever present and God is love and these gifts are mine and free. The Spirit who in freedom calls me to fullness, to trust, to depth, beyond the false realities and in to life, in to being embraced by and transformed by love.

I am loved so very much and I love God so very much. The love God has for me is shown over and over again in my journey. The love I have for my God is my very life – lived for God by sharing it with others, trusting in God’s divine plan for me and being open to this gift.

God, my Loving Father,
Jesus my Savior and Brother,
Holy Spirit my Breath and Life,
God your love pierces 
every part of my life 
and who I am,
I love you. I thank you.

Who do you love?
Who loves you?

I hope you can see through the journey, people and circumstances of life that the answer to those two questions is God and know how much God loves you.

May we continued to be brought to the light of God’s love and be aware that we are no longer blind but awakened to love.

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