Sunday 19 March 2017

Transformative Relationships

As we move towards the middle of Lent, transformation continues to be part of the journey. The Gospel for the 3rd Sunday of Lent is that of the encounter at well of the Samaritan Woman and Jesus. Now this is a story about transformation. The Samaritan Woman is changed after her encounter with Jesus and because of the change in her life she leads others to change in their lives (encountering Christ).

Over the course of this past week relationships have been the undercurrent of what feels like everything. I know that is not revelatory news as we are social beings we are always involved in relationships. However it feels like my thoughts, prayers, ministry, work and so on have all had this hinting of “what about?”
What about this relationship is it healthy and good?
What about this relationship does it need healing?
What about this relationship is it empty?
What about this relationship does it need to deepen?
What about this relationship for this person has impacted my life?
And so on…
I guess I have been evaluating my relationships. The good, the not so good, the struggling, the hurting, the hopes, the worries, the “what abouts?” It has caused me to ponder the people who fill my life for moments, seasons, years, or lifetime. It has caused me to ponder how I have encountered Christ in relationships and how I offer Christ in relationships. My heart is full and yet there is an aching. My heart is at peace and yet there is a longing. My heart is nurtured yet if feels so vulnerable.
This gets me back to the Samaritan woman. She too was questioning Jesus and in conversation with him. She too was asking the “what abouts” and the “what ifs”. She too had a fullness and yet an aching, a peace yet a longing, a nurtured yet a vulnerable heart. Jesus saw that and offered her life-giving water and she accepted. Jesus said to her “I am he” and she came to know a true fullness, a true peace, a truly nurtured heart.
Now this leads me back to my “what about” questions. I need to reflect on Christ present in my relationships and how I receive his life-giving water from others and how I offer it to others. In the words of St. Teresa of Avila – “Christ has no body now but yours, no hands, no feet, no eyes, no ears but yours.” How can I be the hands and feet, the eyes and ears of Christ in my relationships? I am open to those who offer Christ to me?
Relationships are always transformational. I am grateful for so many for so many reasons. I am most grateful for a relationship with Jesus Christ for my life is constantly being transformed – whether I am ready for it or not and to that I say Jesus I Trust in You.

Jesus – Life-Giving Water and Cup of Life
As I try to pour out my life
You are my strength,
You sustain me and nourish me.
In the moments when
I feel I can’t hold the cup
You gently come and raise it up.
In the moments when
I can raise the cup
Your reflection is seen and
I am called to be open and
To be a vessel for You to be held in.

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