Monday 6 March 2017

Transformed By Being A Lost Apostle

Over the course of the past 6 months Br. Donnie and myself have been rehearsing for the musical production Lost Apostle. It was written by an amazing local artist. This past weekend was show time and what an amazing experience!

We were blessed to be able to be part of a cast and crew of 52. These 52 people are not only talented musicians, actors, singers, artists, seamstresses, and stage hands but also very dedicated, welcoming, generous, kind and simply good people. The cast and crew were completely volunteer and came together to bring the musical to life for 4 shows. They came together because of a love of music, a love of community, a love of family and a love for the elderly (for which all the proceeds raised go towards their care). It truly has been an amazing experience for both Br. Donnie and myself. It has challenged us, opened us up, caused many great discussions and stirred our hearts, our faith journey and awakened again those beautiful gifts that God plants deep in our hearts that surface when the time is right.

Not only did we get to create with this amazing cast and crew, we were privileged to walk into their lives beyond the stage. Friendships developed, conversations deepened, family bonds were extended and real life pulled at us to bring the gospel to life.

Let me give you a brief storyline of the musical to give you a sense why it has been a mazing experience; for not only were the cast and crew amazing but so was the story. It begins in the days of the earthly ministry of Jesus and tells about four people who encounter him and how their lives are changed. Peter, Judas, Mary Magdalene and Beth tell their story and how Jesus called them. In their stories our story unfolds and much of what stirred in them stirs in us. Hopes, dreams, desire, hurts, pains, lies, being trapped, passions, loneliness and transformation all are expressed. These I know have been a part of my journey and open me up to Christ, how he is speaking to my heart and to trust in him.

The musical continues in the modern day and tells of how we so easily become trapped in lies, through poor choices, greed, judgment and power. The chaos that unfolds, the agony of despair and those moments of being shattered that can haunt us all is played out in the musical. This is not where the musical leaves us or our lives for the beautiful gift that is love always wins and hope is always ours because of the Resurrection.

So in these early days of Lent this musical is sending me some reminders that I would like to share as an inspiration for our Lenten journey.

I am reminded of the gift of transformation and openness.

I am reminded that the challenges of life always have a gift in them.

I am reminded that dignity, dedication and sacrifice are values that Christ showed us how to live.

I am reminded that the cross leads to the resurrection; which is eternal life.

I am reminded that I have so much to be thankful after being a part of this musical and always.

I am reminded that each of us have the power to share love in the simplest ways which will indeed change the world and inspire others to do the same.

Now the Lenten tasks becomes to take these reminders off the page and bring them to life just as the musical was taken from the pages of the script and score and brought to life.  The power is within each of us because Christ dwells there. How do we choose to live?

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