Sunday 12 March 2017

Transfigured & Transformed

The Gospel for Second Sunday of Lent is always the Transfiguration of Christ. It is a beautiful reminder of how we can be transformed, about the light that sits within us, about our belovedness and about courage.
Being transformed is never easy for we like the way things are or at least we are comfortable with them. Transformation calls us to change, to depth and to newness and that can be tough to do and cause great fear… and yet time and time again Jesus says "do not be afraid". These four words of encouragement he says again after his transfiguration to Peter, James and John. It’s the prompting they need to move deeper into the journey with him and to move from staying where they are to where and who they are called to be. This will lead them to the cross (and even abandon him) but through the cross into the life of resurrection which destines us all to be great and saints.
Transformation is ongoing and maybe that is why we at times deny this "holy calling". It is easier to say to the Lord, like Peter did “it is good for us to be here”. There is no denying that at times it is very good to be where we are and we don’t want to leave that moment, just like Peter and his companions in the moment of Jesus’ transfiguration. The thing that always strikes me about these type of moment is that if we stay in it we will never experience more gifts and blessings, we will never be strengthened to face challenges or obstacles, we will not grow, we will become stagnant and soon desire something else which will not satisfy us. Being transformed over and over again in those ‘good to be here’ moments leads us into deeper relationship with Christ, with each other and calls us to share the light that is within us.
In the Transfiguration we read the line “his face shone like the sun and his clothes became dazzling light”. I believe that the power of light that dwells within us is affirmed in that moment. Christ’s light is so strong that it cannot be contained, it pierces our darkness and enflames the light that is within each of us. We each have that light and it is up to us to ensure it burns bright. I am firm believer that the light of Christ dwells in each of us and each of us has the potential to share it, however we too often fear the light that is within and don’t let it penetrate our lives and the lives of those around us. I wonder if we deny our belovedness because of how intense the light is that dwells within and that it will call us to the full life we are called to and to share our life (even lay down) our life for others.
We all know people who radiate light into the world, it just exudes from them. These people touch our lives and spark the flame that is within us. These people seem to have a way of empowering others, affirming others and calling out the belovedness of others. I can think of a few people in my own journey that have been this for me and how much that has impacted my life journey and deepened my faith and challenged me to share my light. I am grateful for the gift of light bearers and how Christ illuminates in and from them. They are encouragement for me to fan my flame and keep it burning; this is the hope which I have spoken of many times before.

It is here at my core that this hope is rooted and in this hope is courage to live my life radiating Christ; knowing that my light is secure; remembering that Jesus said "do not be afraid"; to live knowing that I am a beloved Child of God and to continually be open to the transforming light which is God’s love, mercy and grace. Yes this truly what transformation is for me and for each us.

through Christ Jesus your beloved Son,
your light pierced our darkness
and claimed us as your beloved children.
May we have the courage to claim your
light that dwells in each of us
and share it with others
so we too may transform the world
moment by moment, one day at a time.

So here is to Week 2 of Lent and the gifts of light, being transformed, gratitude for light bearers and courage to live as a beloved Child of God.

How can we radiate our light this week?
Who do we need to thank for being light in our lives?
What fears do we need to let go of?
How will we courageously claim our belovedness?
What is stopping us from being transformed?

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