Saturday 22 April 2017

Easter Joy is Transforming

Thanks to a dear friend I have a wonderful little reflection book for the season of Easter. On Monday of this Easter Week the reflection said:

The crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus teaches that in Jesus Christ, human existence is not just continued, it is transformed. This human existence can be transformed into something magnificent, something that eye has not seen and ear has not heard. By his dying on the cross and his rising to a transformed human life, Jesus has opened the door for me.

That hit home for me as my Lenten reflections were all about transformation and the journey of being transformed and being open to that gift. It is not always easy to embrace transformation. It is not always easy to claim the light that is ours. It is not always easy to walk through the door opened for us by Christ. However the Resurrection is the gift that allows us to grow in awareness of transformation, to be light bearers and to walk through that door. 

Our world so often says we are not good enough, strong enough, bright enough… as people of the Resurrection we have to say enough of NOT being enough and focus on the fact that we ARE enough because of the way, the truth and the life that is given us in baptism. The transformed life of Christ calls us to be people of transformation, light and openness. It is in claiming these attributes that we radiate Christ into the world. We are enough because we are loved by God, loved enough that he sent his only Son and he died and rose for us!

As we continue this Easter time let us ponder…

How have we been transformed? And what part of life still needs to be transformed? 
Are we willing to let it be touched by the transformed life of the Risen Lord?

How do we share light with others? Do we let the light of Christ shine through us? 
Where can we bear light this week?

How do we walk through the door opened by Christ? How do we open it for others? 
How do we remain open to the gifts that come from this open door?

The Joy of the Resurrection

Even when I feel tired,
even when I feel beaten down,
even when I feel uncertain,
the joy of the Resurrection is stronger.

Even when things go wrong,
even when things overwhelm me,
even when things leave me questioning,
the joy of the Resurrection is stronger.

Even when I am sad,
even when I am lonely,
even when I am frustrated,
the joy of the Resurrection is stronger.

Even when time slips away,
even when time drags on,
even when time pushes and pulls,
the joy of the Resurrection is stronger.

Stronger because the Resurrection
is transformation,
is life,
is peace,
is hope,
is beyond time.

The Resurrection is the joy
that infuses our journey
and sustains us
when the reality of the world
is ours to bear
because the joy of the Resurrection
is life transformed.

Easter is our annual reminder of this transformation... it is so powerful that one Season cannot contain it and so every Sunday we too are nourished by the transformed life of Christ. See how much our God loves us!

May we continue to be open to Easter transformation, be brave light bearers and courageous when walking through the open door of the Resurrection.

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