Saturday 8 April 2017

Holy Week: The Call of Transformation

Holy Week is about transformation for it calls us to journey deeper, to encounter Christ, to witness God’s love and to discover truths about ourselves and our journey of faith. As we enter into this week each day demands of us an awareness of transformation.

“Look your king is coming to you, humble, and mounted on a donkey…” 
– Matthew 21.5

Palm Sunday 
calls us to look at what we need to let go of to be transformed.

Do we just shout Hosanna or are we willing to pick up the cross?

For you, O Lord, are my hope, my trust. 
– Psalm 71.5

The quiet days of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week are simply that, 
a reminder of quiet and reflection needed in our lives.

Are we quiet enough to hear how God is inviting and calling us to be opened and transformed?

“This is my Body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” 
– 1 Corinthians 11.24

Holy Thursday 
reminds us that we are all family, we are called to the Table of Life and 
we are called to serve.

Who do we invite to our daily table? Do we help others to be nourished?
Do we take the time to appreciate the gift it is to receive the Bread of Life?
Where do we ‘wash the feet’ of our family and neighbors?

Christ became obedient for us to death, even death on a cross. 
– Philippians 2.8

Good Friday
The transforming cross is placed before us.

Can we gaze on it and place all our worries and fears, hopes and dreams at it?
Do we trust that through the cross we are transformed and brought 
to the fullest of life?

Be glad, let earth be glad, as glory floods her, 
ablaze with light from her eternal King,
let all corners of the earth be glad, 
knowing an end to gloom and darkness. 
– Easter Exsultet

Holy Saturday. 
This two-fold day…
we begin at the tomb with the stone rolled across
we end leaving the tomb for the stone has been rolled away.
This is the night of nights, this is truly about transformation 
from darkness to light, emptiness to fullness, 
broken to whole, death to life.

Where in our lives have we recently experienced darkness to light, death to life?
Have we let this transformation touch us and how we live our lives?

O Give thanks to the Lord for he is good; 
his steadfast love endures forever. 
This is the day the Lord has made; 
let us rejoice and be glad. 
– Psalm 118.1, 24

Easter Sunday.
New Life – Redeemed, Freedom, Transformed
Indeed let us rejoice! Let us give thanks to our God for the gift of new life which is life transformed by the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ and that we are claimed for life eternal by our God.

How can we help others experience new life?
Where in our own journey do we need to experience the transformation new life offers?
How will we live as Easter people this year?

As we journey into this week of weeks, 
may we be open to the gift of transformation 
that it offers to us.

Blessings on your journey.

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