Saturday 22 April 2017

Roll Away The Stone

The first open door of the Resurrection was the tomb. When that stone was rolled away our new life began with so much richness. At times I think I forget that the stone has been rolled away, however Christ never does and he generously reminds me of that each day.

Roll Away The Stone…
when my heart is not open,
when I am lost in my own world,
when I feel overwhelmed,
when sorrow tries to reign,
when anger bubbles up,
when I am tired,
when frustration robs me of vision,
when I judge,
when I get caught up in falseness,
when freedom seems crushed,
when my vision is blurred,
when I fear transformation,
when my light feels faint,
when I forget about the open door,
when I forget that I am loved and valued,
Roll Away The Stone.

Roll Away The Stone
that blocks my heart
so it may be pierced
by your Resurrection light,
the glory of your love,
your transforming love
and the power of new life.

Roll Away The Stone
so I may truly live
and radiate you
and your goodness
which fills my life.

Roll Away The Stone
so I may be open
to the work
of your Spirit in me.

You are my breath and life,
come and fill me,
for I know that you are Risen
and come each day to
Roll Away The Stone.

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