Sunday 30 April 2017

Easter Path of Life

Lord, you will show me the path of life. (Psalm 16)

The path of hope and holiness,
the path of mercy and love,
the path of peace and joy.

The path of life
is through the cross
in the resurrection
greater than I can imagine.

The path of life
calls me to trust in God,
to be open to being transformed,
to live as a witness of the Risen Christ.

The path of life
calls me to the living Christ,
to have my heart burn in recognizing Him around me,
to be nourished by Him who is life.

The path of life
my life rooted in Christ,
my life with roots and wings,
my life as a Child of God.

You will show me the path if life, O Lord,
I dare to tread upon it
knowing you walk with me.

Alleluia! Amen!

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