Saturday 1 June 2013

Pdlgrm? Peddlegrum? Pilgrim?

Let me explain my blog title first!

Pdlgrm Path describes me and my journey. It reminds me of my childhood but also launches me forward on the journey.

Pdlgrm is short for Peddlegrum which is child language for Pilgrim. Let me explain.

When I was in Kindergarten, I came home very excited about Thanksgiving and learning about the Pilgrims and Indians. I very excitedly told my Mom all about the Peddlegrums and Indians and how they celebrated! My mother in her very loving way tried to correct me by telling me that they were called Pilgrims not Peddlegrums. In my very confident (stubborn) age 5 way I clearly told my Mom, that no our teacher said they are called Peddlegrums. This went on for a bit over the next few days, until my mother had to go and meet with my Kindergarten teacher and find out if she was loosing it as a young mother or if her 5 year old was just that stubborn! So it looks like I was just that stubborn and wanted to be right about this very exciting new discovery.

Ever since then Peddlegrum (Pdlgrm) has stuck around and the story gets told every Thanksgiving. I even have it as my license plate. I thought it makes a simple statement about what I believe. (The funniest thing is watching people in the rear view mirror trying to figure out what my plates say!) I also view it as a hint into my future. I have often viewed my life as pilgrimage, taking me an on grand adventure, meeting wonderful people, embracing great experiences and moments, growing, deepening my faith and opening myself up to God's awesome love, mercy and graces flowing through my life.

I believe we are all pilgrims on the journey. For me that is exciting and life-giving even when I'm uncertain or doubt or choose not to pack well for the pilgrimage. Being a pilgrim means I am open to the path ahead, the curves and turns, the roadblocks, the long straight paths, the detours and the destinations! God has been shaping one awesome path for me and for that I'm thankful and I look ahead as new paths begin to emerge!

So here is the launch of my blog: Pdlgrm Path and my ponderings, thoughts, prayers, questions and discoveries shared.

You are welcome to join me on the pilgrimage...

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your journey ahead. I am so happy for you. Xoxo
