Monday 15 July 2013

Extensions of Love

Within the last three weeks I have had the great privilege of joining in the celebration of the 85th birthday of each of my Grandmothers. These two remarkable women are the foundation of two families that when added up comes close to 270 people. That’s right 270 people! 270 people of all ages that are influenced by two remarkable women (and two remarkable men – my Grandfathers).

I’m sure it is in part because of the prayers of these two women that I was finally able to open myself up enough to discern a religious vocation. It is also in part due to the way these two women have lived their lives. I have seen in them deep faith, rooted trust, love in action, a dedication to service of others, a joyfulness in giving, a caring and kindness that is appreciated by so many, generosity beyond compare, a listening ear, a great sense of humor and openness to God and all a large family can throw at you. I am beyond grateful for their prayers, their actions, their words, and their love. Christ in action in our world today is exemplified in these two women.

Another great blessing because of these two women trusting in God is the gift of extended family!  I have 47 Aunts and Uncles, whom are a big part of my life. They always are interested in my and all my cousins journeys. They are entwined into the fabric of our lives. At the birthday gatherings I have had the chance to not only visit again with Godparents but also Aunts and Uncles I have not seen in a while and each encounter is appreciated. So on top of 47 Aunts and Uncles I have lots of cousins, their spouses and their children! I have been surrounded by cousins my whole life and would not have any other way. We range in age from 39 – 3 (for cousins – not to mention the babies of cousins). Friendly hellos, family updates, warm hugs, questions about life since we last saw each other, support in times of hardship, and teasing when needed, it’s a pretty great built in support system.

So yesterday when I was at the entrance of our family homestead and looking towards a yard full of family of all ages I was struck by God’s awesome love for me and the support I have for the journey ahead. I look ahead to the journey that lies ahead with excitement because I know I am going from my home embraced with love, support and interest in the journey from my extended family.  I know there will times in the months ahead that I will miss out on a family gathering or big celebration, but I know I will be held close in heart and they will be held close in mine. I thank them for being a light on the path of life.

Woven together like a beautiful tapestry family is extension of God’s love that grows more beautiful and is appreciated more and more with the passing of time! I am truly grateful for an awesome extended family that fills my life with love, has provided me with many cherished memories and who will be there to support me in the journey and create many more memories! God is so good!

God Bless all the Grandmas and Grandpas, all the Aunts and Uncles, all the Cousins and families, all the Moms and Dads, all the Brothers and Sisters, all the Nephews and Nieces of my P & K families and of the world!

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