Monday 8 July 2013

The Nephew Factor: Happy But Sad

Over the past week I have had the great blessing of spending time or seeing nearly all my nephews and nieces and Godchildren. There have been visits, movies, hugs, high fives, tears, laughter, shy hellos, tea parties and great discussions. What a blessing indeed, but also a reminder of the upcoming farewell. As my nephew said to me the other day, ‘I won’t say good-bye Uncle, I’ll just say see you later.’ Which is so true, it really will just be see you later or see you next time I’m home for a visit, but still the separation does tug at my heart.


My eleven year old nephew is an amazing boy, and our similar characteristics and emotional responses are quite interesting and have been the discussion of many family conversations.  Not having any children of my own he is the closest example I have of looking in a mirror and seeing me growing up. He fascinates me; his imagination and mind are always at work. He is a deep thinker, wears his heart on his sleeve a lot of the time, he loves to play, has an awesome memory, asks deep questions and ponders things from many different angles. When I look back on my journey I don’t know if I was aware as what he is at such a young age. I hope and pray he will continue to have these gifts a she grows older.


Since I told him about my ‘big move’ and the adventure ahead with the Franciscans we have shared a few tears, some big hugs and have asked a lot of questions. Some realities are harder to understand for both of us. Within one conversation we discussed how I won’t be home for Thanksgiving (which I really didn’t think would be a big deal for him) to him realizing that in a short 5 years he will be old enough to drive and pick me up from the airport or come and visit on his own (which I really hadn’t thought of). We have discussed how I will still be able to be in touch with them and will come home for visits. He shared with me how he is happy for me but sad at the same time and then we shared more tears and hugs.


It’s moments like these that like he said are 'happy but sad'.  I am happy to be able to share such special times with him and all my nephews, nieces and Godchildren, but I have to be honest I am a bit sad that they won’t be as frequent or as easily coordinated. I am however excited for the adventure ahead and that makes me happy, in fact it offers me joy. The sadness I will encounter I’m sure will be short lived as I will have fond memories to get me through and e-mail or phone call to help me be connected again to those I love.


Something my nephew said that struck me was, ‘I pray for you every night… because I know this is a good thing and you will be helping people and that is a good thing too.’  Wow, what a gift he has offered me, what an affirmation and hope-filled outlook even if his heart is sad. This amazing boy touches my life and my heart in so many ways. I am so grateful for him and his prayers. His simple voicing that he prays for me eased my heart and so I once again humbly ask for your prayers as well as I journey ahead.

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