Monday 1 July 2013

Summer Time...Time to Relax?

Summer time has officially begun... great weather, BBQ's, bonfires, eating outside, longer walks, long sunsets, time with friends and of course a more relaxed schedule... well that is true unless you are about to embark on a new path in life.

So I have been enjoying summer's gifts, but my schedule if far from relaxed. In about 20 days I will wrap up 6 years of ministry at a great church. In those 20 days there is a lot of details to work through and wrap up, a few events to launch and of course support to be given to a new Youth Minister (who is doing awesome) and the staff I leave behind. As all of that is happening, I am also trying to pack, enroll for a class, prep for a wedding I'm MCing at, and spend as much time as possible with family and friends!

So even though the schedule is not really relaxed, I am truly am grateful. My life is very full and this fullness leads me on to the path ahead. This fullness has allowed me to discover my gifts and learn, it has challenged me to grow and trust. This fullness has helped me to encounter God and all God's love that is poured into my life. God is so amazing and that in itself makes the crazy schedule bearable and worth it!

As summer begins to take hold in this great nation of Canada, I look forward to each day and all it's blessings. I learn to walk more humbly with my God and trust more deeply in how God is calling me. I am encouraged by the kindness and hugs that I have received over the past week from family, friends, children, youth and students with whom I have worked. A full life is a life that is in tune with our awesome God. What more could I want?

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