Monday 23 September 2013

Fall Realities

Welcome Autumn! This most wonderful time of the year with the riches of the bounty of earth being harvested, the pace of days in routine taking shape, and the colors of our world changing seem to be helping me embrace the journey I am on.

Today as we begin the season of fall I was able to enter into the season in 3 ways.

1.      Our day begins with prayer at 7:00 am, before prayer today I was in the kitchen preparing for our noon meal. Onions were simmering with a hint of garlic and then the bounty of the earth was added. Eight different vegetables were added to create a vegetarian chili and it was all in the pot before prayer! One of my classmates then made Venezuelan bread, it was a delicious first day of fall lunch. Vibrant colors, taste and conversation surrounded the table.

One of the greatest gifts about my new schedule is the flexibility to be in the kitchen! Once the chilli was simmering and after prayer and breakfast I spent the morning in the kitchen baking cookies (Grandma’s recipe), recipe cake and muffins! Talk about a perfect thing to do on a fall day! And let me tell you my community loves the cookie jar being full!


2.       Doesn’t fall just seem to say, sit down and have a great conversation with good people?

The second way I was able to enter into the season was with conversation. As part of my journey I had to find a new spiritual director for time here. Today was our first meeting. After eight years with one of the best spiritual directors ever (thank CS) it is tough to begin a journey with a new director. I am so thankful for the past eight years with my former director, she helped prepare me for the journey. My conversations and prayers with her continue to influence my journey. I am so grateful for her guidance and continued prayers.

God’s goodness is definitely guiding good people into my life, as my first meeting with my new spiritual director was life giving and helped me to discover some of the gifts so far on the journey.

I also had the opportunity for my one on one monthly check in with our director. This was a lively and spirited conversation. Our director is full of life, joy and honesty. It was so good to sit with him and share about the journey so far, so much so that supper was late tonight because we got so wrapped up in the conversation!

3.      A walk was the third way. I love walking in the fall. You know how in movies, people go for a walk in the fall and the trees that arch over the street are changing colors, the leaves drift slowly down and homeowners are making the most of end of season plants in the cooler temperatures? Well that was my walk this afternoon! It was so beautiful and then it hit me, this is not a movie, this is real life. I and smiled and thought how great is our God!

Let us lift up our hearts to the Lord for the blessings of a journey and a new season.

With God there is no accidents. Every incident is intended to bring us closer to Him. – Max Lucado

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