Monday 2 September 2013

Gathered at the Table of Goodness and Joy

God’s goodness and joy definitely follows us, maybe better said; leads us from place to place on our journey. We need to be sure to know and remember that and discover it wherever we end up or go.

That thought has been running through my mind for the last week as I settle into my Postulancy year and my new home. The message of God’s goodness and joy being here was made evident again to me over the weekend as we gathered for Eucharist.

We are very privileged to live in a Friary that has a chapel that serves the community around us and they gather with us for Sunday Mass. We have to weekend Masses and each group is its own little community. Both groups warmly welcomed us, made us to feel at home and shared with us their joy and excitement about us being here. No matter where we go as Catholics we are home, for we gather around the Table of the Lord to break bread, and that breaking bread with this new community, that will be my community for the year, opened me up to God’s goodness and joy again.

After we had gathered at the Table of the Lord, we gathered around the table of a community member. A Sunday tradition that dates back to her Mom doing this for the Friars. We were invited to her home and sat at table with new faces, but were made to feel like we had been there for years. Laughter and stories were shared over coffee and baking. I smiled as I thought of my family gathering for Sunday Brunch or my friends and those from the parish I left gathering to do the same. Again I was reminded of God’s goodness and joy. For where we are, there it is and again we discover God and all that awesome love. I truly have been lead from my family to community to a new community. I am connected to all because of God’s goodness, joy and love. The gift of being at table both the Lord’s and a neighbor’s is such a blessing!

Highlights from my first week:

-          Beautiful summer weather

-          New walking paths and beautiful sights

-          New stories to hear and share

-          Having my own sink in my room

-          My space being all set up and functional

-          No mosquitos! (sorry folks back home)

-          Time to read

-          Gathering with my community of Brothers (and neighbors) for prayer, Eucharist and meals.
-      Prayers of my family and friends.
God is so full of goodness and joy and love, what a blessing to be immersed in it!


On this Labour Day… I give thanks for all the hard working people who help build communities and homes and those who support their neighbors. I pray for those struggling to find work and for students and staff returning to school this week.

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