Saturday 19 April 2014

Covered in Glory and Great Things

The Easter Vigil is full of so much, it is such a great night! It is the Night of Nights, it has rich symbols, it is rooted in ancient customs and traditions, and it is the story of our salvation! It is way more than a regular Saturday Night Mass!

One of my most favorite parts of the Vigil is the readings from the Old Testament, it tells my story, your story, our story. One of my most favorite readings is Exodus 14 (it is the third one proclaimed and always proclaimed), the story of Moses parting the Red Sea and God’s people crossing through to new life (The movie Prince of Egypt is a great version of this story). This past week as part of my formation we each had to pick a reading from the Triduum and share about it. This is my reflection on Exodus 14.

There are things that keep us from God.
Things we put in the way,
Things of the world that distract us,
Things that block our vision,
Things that keep us lost in a sea of uncertainty.

Even with all these things trying to drown us,
We must remember that we are God’s chosen ones and
God walks with us and calls us to trust in the
Path that is laid before us for
God’s deep love lights our way.

God is constantly at work in our lives,
In magnificent ways and in small ways,
In sea splitting awesomeness and In soften heart moments,
God is continually in all the moments in our life.

God’s glory is all around us,
In the beauty of creation,
In the words of scripture,
In the gift of family and friends,
In the life well lived and travelled.

Through the journey,
Through the bad and good,
Through the magnificent moments and small moments,
Through the life that is ours
We are called to give our praise to God.

We are called to sing to the Lord for He has done great things.
As God’s glory is gained through his outstretched hands,
Through God’s freeing love and the waters of rebirth,
Through gaining an entire people to God’s self and
Through God’s reign that knows no end.

Our oppression, our hardness of heart, our mud, our clogged chariot wheels,
our sinfulness, our failed dreams, our lost hope, our deep hurts,
Washed away in the waters of the parted Red Sea and in the Waters of Baptism.

It is a story about Trust and that is a good thing,
for Yes, we sin, but more importantly we are God’s beloved children,
So let us trust in Lord and
Sing to the Lord for he has done great things and continues to do great things.

Baptism is what unites us with God, but it is also our love response to God in community.

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