Sunday 20 April 2014

We Are An Easter People

Easter Joy,
Even when it’s not ‘perfect’ still the joy remains
for it is has to do with Christ Risen with us,
calling us to fullness of life again!

Easter Peace,
settles deep within our souls,
for knowing death is conquered,
giving us an eternal home.

Easter Hope,
calls us forth from the grave,
to dream, to create, to embrace,
to be the best we can be.

Easter Love,
unites us with those both near and far
who know our Risen Savior
is with us each and every day.

Easter is our season,
it names us who we really are,
brothers and sisters of Risen Jesus,
beloved children of our God.

May Easter Joy and Peace,
May Easter Hope and Love,
guide our footsteps always
as we claim our true identity!

Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!


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