Monday 14 April 2014

Holy Week: Challenging & Nourishing

Holy Week – the week of weeks. The week that we immerse ourselves into the sacrifice of Christ and it’s deep impact on our lives. For us who claim to be witnesses of Christ, this week is both challenging and nourishing.

Challenging for us to keep watch with Christ, to walk with Him to Calvary and to go against the temptations of society to do as little as possible to meet our ‘faith requirements’ in these holy days. Get through, get it done, make an appearance, and get our Christian token for being present during the high holy days. It is always a challenge to walk the walk but especially during Holy Week.

Nourishing for us if we enter into the journey with Christ. To truly listen to the words we hear proclaimed, experience the richness of the signs and symbols, confess our sinfulness but embrace the gift of life eternal, and be fed by our Savior himself. Nourished through personal prayer and community celebrations, nourished by hope, nourished by a love that surpasses all our expectations.

Challenging and nourishing… two perspectives I walk with this week.

As I enter this week I am reminded that Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

when the path is uncertain,
when the road is blocked,
when the journey is slow,
remind me You are The Way.

When voices taunt me,
when society pressures me,
when evil seduces me,
remind me You are The Truth.

When I don’t value life,
when I feel unworthy,
when I am scared and lost,
remind me You are The Life.

You embrace me with your deep love,
I walk with you during this Holy Week,
I face the challenges and
desire You as nourishment
for I desire to Come and Follow You…
My Way, My Truth and My Life.

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