Sunday 20 December 2015

A Baby Changes Everything!

This final Advent blog was going to be about looking at doubt, the doubts we face and how maybe we could connect that to Mary’s experience. Although there will be brief mention about it in this reflection, my thoughts changed because of the line of a song. I guess my thoughts on doubt were put into perspective.

A baby changes everything! These words from the song of the same title on Faith Hill’s Christmas Album: Joy to the World  (video above) have been echoing through my mind over the past few days. I imagine a baby does change everything, well I in fact I know it does but from a different perspective. Being a male religious I will never know the gift of having my own child, but through the experiences of my siblings and dear friends I have seen how a baby does indeed change everything.

Pondering this change made me think of Mary and Joseph, this young couple, with their lives before them, preparing for marriage. I’m sure like young couples today, dreaming and hoping for a future that would be uniquely their own. So I’m sure when an angel appears to them (separately) they are a bit caught off guard, talk about change! Talk about a major change!

I also wonder if this change caused them to worry, to doubt, to ponder the “who, what, when, where and why’s” of their lives. I’m sure it did, it would have had too.

Who are we?   What about our lives?   When will this be?  
Where are we to raise him?   Why us?

Ordinary lives about to be transformed. Ordinary lives on the verge of uncertainty now faced with even more uncertainty. Ordinary lives trying to trust in God and being open to God at work in their lives. That is why I get Mary and Joseph. That is why I feel close to them and not just at this time of year, but all year. Their ordinary lives God sees and embraces and says I need you and your ordinary lives to do something great.

The amazing thing is that God sees that in each of us and calls us to the same, in our everyday ordinary lives. Greatness is not about being the best athlete, the top boss, the richest, the smartest, or the most powerful. Greatness comes in saying yes to our God, trusting in our God and allowing our ordinary lives to be transformed into the fullness that God sees in them. Greatness comes in raising families, in praying, in serving the community, in listening to a fellow sojourner, in celebrating moments, in acknowledging the greatness in neighbour, friend and stranger, in encouraging a child, in holding the hands of the elderly, in being open to the adventure of the day and giving thanks at the end of it. Greatness doesn’t matter where you live or your situation, it doesn’t matter if you are happy, depressed, mourning, or on top of the world, greatness comes in ordinary things. Think about it… Bethlehem, a manger stall, a simple couple from the poor working class… all ordinary, all transformed into greatness.

Christmas seems to be about that, being transformed, not just for a day or season, but continually, each day. Each day we are called to carry the Christ Child into our daily living, for this baby does indeed change everything. We encounter this baby being carried in the people of our day, in the relationship we have with him. I know how much he is changed my life and for that I am thankful.

So as we prepare to celebrate Christmas, let us remember…

A baby does indeed change everything, no matter who we are.

A baby named Jesus – Emmanuel – God with us – Prince of Peace.

A little child,
A shining star,
A stable rude,
the door ajar.
Yet in that place
so crude, forlorn,
the Hope of all
the world was born.


May this last week of Advent be filled with hope and promise, may the Season of Christmas fill us all with the promise that our ordinary lives are great. May the gift of the Baby born that holy night to Mary and Joseph, for them, for you, for me, for everyone continue to inspire us in our journeys.

God gives us breath that we may sing.

God gives us all the earth that we may plant faithful gardens.

God gives us promise of His second coming that we may dance in the rain.


Over this week ahead and through the Christmas Season as we gather with family and friends please take the time to pray for those who don’t feel their life is great, those struggling with addictions, loneliness, heartbreak, for those family mourning the loss of loved ones (especially those killed recently in senseless acts), for those separated from family and friends and for our neighbors and communities. This is one small act in this Year of Mercy that is ordinary but transforms to greatness and change everything.

Have a Blessed and Merry Christmas!

Saturday 12 December 2015

Advent Messengers: Be On the Look Out!

Here we are at the midway point of Advent.

The journeys of this season are full of twists and turns, of highlights and dimly light moments, but through it all we are reminded that God is with us – Emmanuel. The hope of Advent is that we know that God is with us and that we are called again and again to celebrate that gift. The hope of Advent is also that we come to the great feast of Christmas and are filled with light and life no matter our situations.

The journey of Advent and the hope of Advent remind us of God’s messengers. God is constantly sharing a message of love. Are we open to that message?

Some of God’s messengers have said the following…

John the Baptist says: “Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none; and whoever has food must do the likewise.” (Luke 3) This is an Advent message indeed and also a good challenge for the Year of Mercy.

The prophet Zephaniah declares: “The Lord, your God, is in your midst, he will renew you in his love.” (3.14-18a) A message of love to encourage us in this Week of Advent Joy.

Saint Paul in his letter to Philippians proclaims: “Do not worry about anything… let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God…will guard your hearts.” (Philippians 4.4-7) Again this is an excellent reminder for us in this Advent journey. I know this one that speaks to me and offers some words of comfort and strength.

Catherine Doherty, foundress of Madonna House, once prayed: “Give me a heart of a Child. Give me the awesome courage to live what it demands.” She reminds us that this is being “utterly trusting, totally open, uninhibited, simple, direct and unafraid.” (Dearly Beloved Vol. II) Wow, huh? That is indeed a good reminder and challenge for the remaining Advent days. It speaks of love, it speaks of hope, and it indeed is a message for our hearts and daily living. It challenges me to be the true Child of God that I am.

So as we enter this third week of Advent, let us be open to God’s message, we just never know who the messenger may be.  It may be a neighbour, a stranger, a Christmas card, a phone call, a hug, a verse of scripture proclaimed, a text message, a listening ear, a song, a child, an adult, a sibling, a parent, a friend, or a brother. God indeed works through messengers. Just ask Mary and Joseph, they had to be open to the message of angel!

Ever Present God,
You are always by my side.

When I forget,
You send a messenger.

When I get to busy,
You send a messenger.

When I am blinded,
You send a messenger.

Thank you for your holy messengers
that move in and out of my life,
that show me your signs and guide my path.

My destination is You, O God,
my destination is You.

Saturday 5 December 2015

The Peaceful Kingdom

As we journey a bit deeper into this Advent journey, we realize that we are on a journey of hope. A journey that challenges us to live differently, a journey that calls our preparations and anticipation to transform us, set us free, lead us to peace-filled hearts and lives of peace.

One of my most favorite pieces of scripture is from Isaiah 11.1-10, it is called The Peaceful Kingdom. I see it as a challenge for us on how to live, on how to work towards right relationships, on how to seek forgiveness, how to let go of hurts, and how to prepare not only for the gift of Christmas but also for the gift of what heaven will be.

I have included the full passage here, I was going to highlight the lines that stand out for me, but that would seem to be more of the verse than not. There is so much in these beautiful ten verses of scripture.

The Peaceful Kingdom

11A shoot shall come out from the stock of Jesse,
   and a branch shall grow out of his roots.
2 The spirit of the Lord shall rest on him,
   the spirit of wisdom and understanding,
   the spirit of counsel and might,
   the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.
3 His delight shall be in the fear of the Lord.

He shall not judge by what his eyes see,
   or decide by what his ears hear;
4 but with righteousness he shall judge the poor,
   and decide with equity for the meek of the earth;
he shall strike the earth with the rod of his mouth,
   and with the breath of his lips he shall kill the wicked.
5 Righteousness shall be the belt around his waist,
   and faithfulness the belt around his loins.

6 The wolf shall live with the lamb,
   the leopard shall lie down with the kid,
the calf and the lion and the fatling together,
   and a little child shall lead them.
7 The cow and the bear shall graze,
   their young shall lie down together;
   and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.
8 The nursing child shall play over the hole of the asp,
   and the weaned child shall put its hand on the adder’s den.
9 They will not hurt or destroy
   on all my holy mountain;
for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord
   as the waters cover the sea.

10 On that day the root of Jesse shall stand as a signal to the peoples; the nations shall inquire of him, and his dwelling shall be glorious.

Reading this piece of scripture has lead me to offer these reflections…

The first part reminds us that we are equipped with tools to build this kingdom. Wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge and awe of God. All free gifts of the Holy Spirit. All tools that we are equipped with, tools that begin in Advent hope and lead us into a full year of mercy. Tools that we need to claim and use, for just knowing about them is not enough.

The second part reminds us of how our actions should be. They are to be based on the Lord. Not to judge a book by its cover, not to base our decisions on gossip or hearsay, but to be filled with honesty, justice, concern and faithfulness.

The third part is so beautiful, the images of creation living in harmony instead of living off each other, and the image of the child leading them. There are so many pictures of Jesus as a child with all these animals around him, and I love many of them, but is more than that for us this Advent and always. These verses remind us of right relationship. How do we live with our families, friends, neighbors, and strangers? How do we build up communities, parishes, neighbourhoods? How do we forgive, let go, be people of hope? Is it only when it works for us? Is it only when our resume will be beefed up? Is it only when our world around us in crisis?

We are all part of the peaceful kingdom, yet we seem to forget that. We seem to read this passage and say ‘isn’t that nice’ and move on. Advent calls us to bring this passage to life, here and now in the small gestures and every day ways of life. Big grandiose projects are noteworthy and can help build the bridge, but that has to begin in our hearts and in our lives.

It says right in the passage, “they will not hurt or destroy”. Yet we continue to hurt each other over power, over greed, over forgetting that we are created in God’s image, no matter who we are and how we worship God. These past few weeks our attention has been heightened by the sad stories of innocent lives be taken, of racial tensions, of greed ruling, of our hurting earth suffering, and of unemployment. Instead of dwelling on these tragedies, how can we offer hope? How can be agents of peace? How can we build the peaceful kingdom? It begins with me, it begins with you, and it begins with willing to be transformed this day, this Advent and in the Year of Mercy.

The Peaceful Kingdom
Honesty, compassion and justice shall be the robe wrapped around them,
the Christian shall live with the Muslim.
the Jew shall live with the Arab.
the Catholic and the Protestant together,
and a little child shall lead them.

The Black shall live with the White,
the First Nations shall live with the Caucasian,
the Refugee with the Resident,
and a little child will lead them.

The Disabled shall live as the Non-disabled,
the Sick shall live as the Healthy,
the Lonely shall be as the Included,
and a little child will lead them.

The Man and the Woman together as equals,
the Children together with their dreams,
the Earth healed and all filled with hope,
for a little child shall lead them.

Advent = hope = peaceful potential!

Advent = Emmanuel = God With Us!

Let us not forget that our Emmanuel is with us in all of this, and desires for us to be filled with God’s graces, love and mercy.

This Year of Mercy (December 8 – November 20) is a personal invite to each of us, to be a part of the peaceful kingdom. Can we each do our part?

“In mercy, we find proof how God loves. He gives his entire self, always, freely, asking noting n return. He comes to our aid whenever we call upon him.” (MV 14)
“Everyone, in fact, without exception, is called to embrace the call to mercy.” (MV 18)
“May no one be indifferent to the call to experience mercy. This is the opportune moment to change our lives! This is the time to allow our hearts to be touched!” (MV 19)

- Pope Francis

Blessings on this 2nd Week of Advent.
Blessings of Peace, Mercy and Hope.

Saturday 28 November 2015

Advent @ Our Doorstep

Recently I was told about two men who went to church. One a young twenty something, new to the community, the second a middle aged man, who is from foreign country but has been around for a while and is also a leader in the community. After Mass there was coffee served, the community members gathered, filled their cups, grabbed their favorite goodies and enclosed themselves in their circles to get caught up on the gossip they may have missed in last few hours. Both the young man and middle aged man joined the community for coffee, sadly both of these men ended up sitting by themselves as the ‘regulars’ continued on in their own little world. They were either too busy to notice, too caught up in another story that was being spun, too involved not to extend a hand or too afraid to be welcoming. Finally the coffee hosts made their way out of the kitchen and saw the situation and sat with the one man and invited the other to join them.

When I was told this story I was very upset. It bothers me that as a community of believers we are so caught up in our own worlds and the way our community has always been that we forget that we need to be the ones who welcome the new, the other, and the one who is not like us. I was also saddened, as I often hear ‘our young people don’t come to church’, and then when one does come to church, no one takes the time to say hello, or welcome them or introduce themselves or ask how they are. I was also saddened by the fact that the middle aged man from a foreign country was not made to feel welcomed (remember he has been part of this community for a while and is a leader), and that he did not feel comfortable to go and sit the groups that huddled around their tables. I was saddened that the community was blinded to these two situations, for both could be seen as signs of prejudice or worse yet racism. Thank goodness for the kindness of the coffee hosts to not let this opportunity of kindness pass by, but what about everyone else? This upsetting feeling and sadness has been playing through me over the past week, has been in the forefront of my thoughts and has caused me to ponder my own actions, the actions of my community and this season we now begin.

Advent, a time of preparation, a time for welcoming others, a time to assess our actions, a time to be reminded we are called to welcome Christ. The stories of Advent are about preparing and waiting. The stories of Advent call us beyond ourselves. The stories of Advent lead us to be ready to open our lives, our doors and our hearts to the Light of the World. As I ponder my Advent journey I can’t stop thinking about the two men who were not welcomed at church, and all I hear when I think of the story is… “and there was no room for them at the inn.” If we are not willing to welcome those who are new in our communities, in our churches, if we are not able to stop our busyness for a hello, a smile, a cup of coffee (outside of our circle of friends), how on earth are we ever going to be ready for Christ and make room for him?

Advent is at our doorstep. Advent invites us to open up our door and our hearts. Advent calls us to be signs of welcome and to take this hospitality beyond the next 26 days into the journey of the year ahead and the whole of our lives. Advent is challenging, not because we try to do more in less time, but because we forget why we are on the Advent journey. This journey should lead us not to debt, exhaustion and misery but to Christ.

Advent at our doorstep means we will assess our actions... will we say hello to people? I’m trying to be mindful of this as I go for a walk, as interact with people, as I see a fellow classmate sitting alone… a simple hello could lead to there being room in the inn of my heart and hopefully they will then make room in the inn of their heart. Advent at our doorstep means we must prepare more than our homes, we must prepare ourselves by making time for prayer so we can be present for the Christ we discover in others (like 2 or 5 minutes more or maybe even 10 minutes in our day… I know I sure am looking at where I can adjust this in my life… I believe mine will come with a commitment to quiet prayer after supper before continuing on with studies and activities).

Advent at our doorstep calls us to be mindful of others on the journey. Whether it is the new person at Mass, or a familiar face we see but don’t know, whether it is a neighbour we have not been on good terms with, or the brother that drives you crazy (just saying it happens), whether it is the new refugees arriving, or the unemployed, or the grieving parent, or the distraught First Nations mother who is searching for her missing daughter, whether it is the teenager who feels alone, or the child who has no one to read to them or the man who feels lost in life, Advent calls us to be mindful of others. There is no need for anyone to hear the words “there is no room at the inn.” It may mean forgiveness, it may mean stepping out of our comfort zones, it may mean not doing something in this season, but it will mean our lives have changed and our hearts have grasped the meaning of
“Prepare Ye The Way” more fully.

There is a great Advent Carol called People Look East and one of the verses says:
Make your house fair as you are able,
Trim the hearth and set the table,
People look East, and sing today:
Love the Guest is on the way.
As we prepare our homes, trim the hearth, and gather at table,
May we always be ready to open the door for the Guest of Love
And all those He sends in love as guests to our door (that may be the pew behind us at church).
Lord, let your mercy flow in our lives
during this Advent journey…
for You are knocking at our door,
and asking us if there is any room.

Sunday 22 November 2015

The Kingdom of God

Origen (was a scholar and early Christian theologian who was born and spent the first half of his career in Alexandria) wrote the following:

The kingdom of God, in the words of our Lord and Savior, does not come for all to see; nor shall they say: Behold, here it is, or behold, there it is; but the kingdom of God is within us, for the word of God is very near, in our mouth and in or heart. Thus it is clear that the one who prays for the coming of God’s kingdom prays rightly to have it within themselves, that there it may grow and bear fruit and become perfect. For God reigns in each of God’s holy ones.
These words offer a lot to reflect upon...

As we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King and this final week of this liturgical year, Origen reminds me that Christ is always present. Christ’s kingdom is in our reach for it dwells within us, as much as it dwells in our heavenly home. That is challenging. The word of God is in our mouth and in our heart. It really makes me ponder my words and what lies in my heart. Are they kingdom building? Are they the words and actions of Christ?

As Origen points out the one who prays for the coming of the kingdom (words from the Lord’s Prayer) is open to having the kingdom dwell within them. Thanks be to God for that! Thank goodness each day as we pray the words of the Lord’s Prayer we more and more open ourselves up to the kingdom of God. Slowly it unfolds in us, and hopefully we can take it beyond ourselves into the world around us. I believe that this slow unfolding is part of our life journey and prepares us to embrace the gift of the heavenly kingdom. One that we build here and now, one that will embrace us in our final breath.

Origen also reminds us that God reigns in us. Yes we are God’s holy ones! Each of us, friend and neighbour, the stranger, the lonely, the sick, the struggling, the refugee, the rich, the poor, the man, the woman, the child, each of us who is open to being a dwelling place for God. Each of us are holy. We so often forget about our holiness and think it is only for the saints, but we too are holy. We are made in the image of God and that calls us to holiness and the fullness of life. No matter how the journey goes, we are called to holiness, to God reigning in us and to building the kingdom.

Together let us build the kingdom that dwells within each of us.
Together let us let go of our selfishness and embrace the kingdom that is for everyone.
Together let us be a sign of welcome for others, let us invite others to the kingdom and help them find the one that dwells within them already.

Almighty and merciful God,
You break the power of evil
And make all things new in
your son Jesus Christ, the King of the universe.
May all in heaven and earth proclaim
your glory and never cease to praise you.

May our mouths and hearts carry forth the kingdom today, this week and the weeks ahead.
Together... We are the Body of Christ.

Monday 16 November 2015

O Holy Saint Elizabeth of Hungary

St. Elizabeth - Ceramic Mural by Lorraine Malach -  1991
Displayed in our Dining Room

Anyone who knows me knows that I love the saints. All saints have an interesting story, but some saint stories seem to just reach deeper into my heart and call out to me. November 17 is the day we celebrate St. Elizabeth of Hungary.  She was a remarkable woman who lived from 1207 until 1231. She was a princess and one who truly showed the world what a princess should be.
She also has a special place in the heart of Franciscans, not only did she live nearly at same time of St. Francis of Assisi. She too was inspired by him and is known as the Patroness of the Secular Franciscans. She inspires me to give my all for Christ, to care for the needy, to be mindful of others, to realize my greatest possess is heaven and to trust deeply in our loving God.

O Holy Saint Elizabeth,
Consoler of the poor,
Guide me in my efforts to serve the poor around me.

O Holy Saint Elizabeth,
Protectress of the needy,
Help me to be generous with my time and talents.
O Holy Saint Elizabeth,
Visitor of the sick,
Strengthen my resolve to present for the ill.

O Holy Saint Elizabeth,
Supporter of the Friars Minor,
Encourage me to walk in the footsteps of St. Francis with Christ.

O Holy Saint Elizabeth,
Woman of prayer,
Stir in my heart the peace to spend time in prayer.
O Holy Saint Elizabeth,
Radiator of joy,
Inspire me to be a joyful icon of Christ.

O Holy Saint Elizabeth,
Royal Child of God, Sister of Christ,
Remind me that I too have this dignity.

O Holy Saint Elizabeth,
Trustworthy Servant,
Open to me the ways to trust in God more.


Sunday 8 November 2015

Am I Ready?

Lord, if your people still need me,
I am ready for the task; your will be done.
-St. Martin de Porres
This past week we celebrated the feast of St. Martin de Porres (who has always been a favorite of mine). He lived from 1569-1639 in Lima, Peru. He is considered mixed race being born of a Spanish father and black mother. He is known for his kindness and service to the poor and sick. He is the patron saint of hair-dressers, public-health workers and persons of mixed race.
I came across the above quote of his and it really struck me. It has crossed my mind several times throughout the week and I keep coming back to it. His openness, his complete trust in God, his willingness to completely empty his life for Christ.These seem to jump out of his quote.
The intimacy of being able to say to God, “if your people still need me” shows to me his close relationship with God. His willingness to serve, to give his all, to work for the Lord. We as God’s people are always in need of encountering God in our lives. Each day this desire is hopefully met through the actions, words, and kindness of fellow believers and even non-believers. This quote of St. Martin de Pores really has me thinking about my actions, words and kindness. How am I an encounter of God for the person who is need?

It also has me thinking about my willingness to serve the Lord. St. Martin says, “I am ready for the task.” I try each day to say the same thing, but his words seem to across so confident and driven. I wonder if mine sound the same or come across as, “I guess if you need me I’m pretty sure I can fit it today and I think I am ready to this for You.” It is a challenge indeed to live with conviction, honesty, and to let the gift of my heart lead to work with passion for the Lord. “Your will be done,” we say each time we pray the Lord’s Prayer, that is where the “I am ready” hits the road. God’s will being done in my life, my gifts, my words, my actions, and my kindness put into action for God. For in doing so I know that I look beyond myself and hopefully give thanks to God for all I have been blessed with.

The quote from St. Martin de Porres also reminds me of the two widows in today’s scripture readings at Mass. The one who encounters Elijah is preparing to die because of lack of food but still says “if you need me Lord I am ready for the task.” In doing so she and her family are blessed. In her weakest moment she trusted in God and said “I can do this.” The widow of the gospel who gives her last penny to the temple, is also an example of being ready. She gives out of her poverty, she has nothing left, yet gives with generosity for her God. It is easy to be ready, and do God’s will when all is right and I will benefit, it is a different story when I do so out of my weakness and poverty. It is in being able to say “I am ready, your will Lord” in these moments that truly is living from the heart for God and serving God’s people.

I see I am challenged to ponder more my living and serving and continue to open myself to the Lord. I hope you are as well and find the way and strength to say “I am ready for the task Lord, your will be done.”

Thank you St. Martin de Porres for your example. Pray for us.

As we look ahead to this week, be sure to take the time to Pause and Remember.
We pray for peace,
we pray for those who suffer from war and destruction,
we pray for those who mourn due to the tragedy of war,
we pray for those who work to make the world a better place,
we pray that we may have the courage to be instruments of peace.

Lest We Forget.

St. Martin of Tours - pray for us.
St. Francis - pray for us.

Saturday 31 October 2015

Why I Love November 1

I love November 1!
I think I have loved it since I have been a kid, but really I am only starting to grasp it
more and more as I age.

Why do I love November 1?        It is All Saints Day!

What is there not to love about the saints? Ordinary men, women  and children who struggled with life at times, who were sinners, who gave all they could, who tried each day to be the best they could be, who tried to reflect Christ in their actions and words and when they failed (like we do) they tried again. What is there not to love about that? Remember they did not get their halos until after they died!

I have carried an anonymous quote around with me for years that says:
Saints are saints, because they are cheerful when it is difficult to be cheerful; patient when it is difficult to be patient; because they push forward when they want to stand still; they keep silent when they want to talk; they are agreeable when they want to be disagreeable. That’s all. It’s really quite simple.
I love this quote for it reminds me to keep my focus on Christ. It is not about being a pushover, or boasting, or being dull. No, it is all about being a reflection of Christ in all that I do.

This past week in one of my classes, one of my classmates said this about our journey:
We are called not be of our time, but to be of Christ.

Again another reflection of how we are called to be saints. We are called not to get caught up in the fixings of everything that is presented to us, rather we are called to keep focused on Christ to utilize those fixings. So we can help heal our corner of our broken world, to be cheerful, patient, a do-er, a listener, a supporter, to have an attitude of thanksgiving, to have a being-attitude.

And again this past week a priest remind us at Mass:
Thanksgiving should shape who we are.
Again the saints shine through with this thought and so can we. We are called to give thanks to God always, to realize that God is present in all parts of our life. The priest also reminded us that in the word thanksgiving is the word give. We are called to give. How do we give of ourselves? How do we give to build the kingdom?

This leads me to the gospel for All Saint Day which is the Beatitudes. Their message is the challenge to live a life of being, to work at our call to sainthood. Being agents of goodness, of change, of kindness, being who God created us to be.

As the Beatitudes remind us we are blessed, no matter who we are, where we are, what we do. God loves us that much, for we are all Saints in the making.

And that my friends, is why I love November 1!

Holy Saints,
Help us to walk with Christ,
Help us to be ourselves, the gift that we each are,
Help us to claim our blessedness.
We give you thanks for your great witness and inspiration.
You help point the way to Christ, so we may drawer near.
Thank you.

As November unfolds, I encourage you to find a saint or several saints and read about them, and pray with them, maybe 1 a week, or one every couple of days. Something I do each night is I end with a prayer to a saint for the day. I like that I get to connect with the great company of heaven. I hope you will too. Don't forget to pray for our deceased loved ones during this month of Holy Souls, they too are counted among the saints.

St. Michael...
St. Francis…
St. Br. Andre…
St. Clare…
St. Kateri…
St. Elizabeth…
All Holy Men and Women…
                                                            Pray for us

Sunday 25 October 2015

What Do You Choose?

October 24 is the feast day for St. Anthony Mary Claret. He was born and lived in Spain from 1807-1870.
He was a priest, who preached missions and retreats, became Archbishop of Cuba, and was also the confessor of Queen Isabella II. He is the founder of a religious order of priests and brothers called the Claretians.  There are approximately 3,000 men in 63 countries. Their focus is social justice causes in the local communities.
I recently read this quote from St. Anthony:

Choose now what you would wish
to have chosen at life’s end.

This is a powerful reminder of the gift of choice God has freely given us. It reminded me to look at what I am choosing and how I live out my day. Each day I challenge myself to live like Christ, to radiate him into the world. Each night I reflect back on my day and find the ways and places that Christ was a part of my day, hopefully seeing a connection. This quote also really got me thinking about choices, the choices I make each day and if they are choices for life and embracing the gift of God in me.
As these thoughts have been dancing in and out of my mind amongst other thoughts connected to papers for class and responsibilities here I pondered what am I choosing now that will last.
I choose:
Faith in God
Trusting More
Worrying Less
Embracing Who I Am
Serving and Helping Others
Celebrating God’s Goodness
Taking Time for Solitude
Taking Time with Loved Ones
Learning More
Being Open, Life-Giving and Passionate

I guess when I consider what would or could be said about me at my funeral, I would hope these choices I try to make would be easily identified and would help tell my story.
Thank you Saint Anthony Claret for your wisdom.
Thank you for the reminder to live making good choices each day.
What do you choose today? What do you choose that will be celebrated at your life’s end?